Run Your Own Tor Network
17 Nov 2014 13:00:23 EST

Tor is interesting for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons it's interesting is that the network itself operates, at its core, by mutually distrusting Directory Authorities. These Directory Authorities are run by members of the Tor Project and by trusted outside individuals/groups, such as RiseUp.net and CCC.de. A Directory Authory votes on its view of the network, and collects the votes of the other Directory Authorities. If the majority of authorities vote for something (the inclusion of a relay, marking it as 'Bad', whatever) - it passes the vote.

This infrastructure design is very interesting. The only thing that comes close, that I can think of, is the Bitcoin blockchain or Ripple's ledgers. Compare it to some of the other models:

I think the Directory Authority model is pretty elegant. Relying on the user to make trust decisions doesn't work out so well. A single trusted server, or set of servers, administered by one organization is at risk to a complete compromise in one fell swoop. But seperately managed servers that operate in a majority vote mitigate many concerns.

If one were to take it a step further, one would ensure that no majority of the servers were running the same software stack, to reduce the possbility of a single bug affecting a majority. This is a poor example, because tor relies on OpenSSL and it's not easily swapped out - but the majority of DirAuths had to upgrade when Heartbleed hit. Going even further - there is only one implementation of the DirAuth voting protocol in the tor daemon itself. Certificate Transparency has at least two different implementations for comparison.

But, to be clear - locking a user into a trust decision, even a consensus of mutually distrusting authorities, is still a bad thing. If tor only allowed you to use the official Tor Network - that would be bad. We should be able to change who we trust at any time - Moxie dubs it Trust Agility. It's worth noting that the Tor Network has some amount of trust agility, but it's not perfect. If I want to change the Directory Authorities that I trust I can technically do so, but I will no longer be able to use the official Tor Network because those few thousand relays 'belong' to it, and one cannot set up a network that includes them. (There's been some thoughts that one might be able to, but it would be an unsupported hack, liable to break.) It would be interesting if the codebase could evolve such that a tor node may belong to more than one network at a time. Then an alternate network could flourish, and relay operators could join multiple networks to support other administrative boundaries.

Can I run a tor network?

Tor is open source. There aren't a lot of instructions for actually deploying the Directory Authorities, but what is there is not bad. And you can absolutely run your own tor network. There are actually three different ways to do it. Chutney and shadow are tools designed mostly for setting up test networks for running experiements in labratory conditions. Shadow is specifically designed for running bandwidth tests across large-sized tor networks. So if you want to model a tor network running 50,000 nodes - shadow's your huckleberry.

But if you want to deply an as-authentic tor network as possible, do it manually. It's not all that hard. And if you want to conduct research on tor's protocols, it's a great way to do it safely, instead of actively de-anonymizing real users in the wild. Here are the approxmate steps:

Configure and compile tor, as normal, on all your boxes.
If you're going to run multiple daemons per machine, you may want to use ./configure --prefix=/directory/tor-instance-1 to segment them.

Start configuring a few Directory Authorities.
This step is generating the keys for them and the DirServer lines. Run tor-gencert to generate an identity key. Then run tor --list-fingerprint. Create your DirServer lines like DirServer orport=<port> v3ident=<fingerprint from authority_certificate, no spaces> <ip>:<port> <fingerprint from --list-fingerprint in ABCD EF01 format>. These DirServer lines are what put you onto an alternate tor network instead of the official one. You need one line per Directory Authority, and all DirServer lines need to be in the configuration of every DirAuth, Node, and Client you want to talk to this network.

Finish the Directory Authorites configuration.
You should set SOCKSPort to 0, ORPort to something, and DirPort to something.

You need to set AuthoritativeDirectory and V3AuthoritativeDirectory. You can also set VersioningAuthoritativeDirectory along with RecommendedClientVersions and RecommendedServerVersions - why not. Perhaps you want to copy ConsensusParams out of a recent consensus, also. If you're going to run multiple tor daemons off a single IP address, you should set AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr 0 (0 is unlimited, default is two servers per IP.)

You will also (probably) want to lower the voting times, so you can generate a consensus quicker. I'd suggest, to start off with, V3AuthVotingInterval 5 minutes, V3AuthVoteDelay 30 seconds, and V3AuthDistDelay 30 seconds . You can also set MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2 to something like 1 hour.

Start up your Directory Authorities.
They should all be running, and you should see stuff like 'Time to vote' and 'Uploaded a vote to...' in the notices.log

You will also see Nobody has voted on the Running flag. Generating and publishing a consensus without Running nodes would make many clients stop working. Not generating a consensus! This is normal. If TestingAuthDirTimeToLearnReachability is not set (and it's not) - a Directory Authority will wait 30 minutes before voting to consider a relay to be Running. You should either wait 30 minutes and be patient, or set AssumeReachable to skip the 30 minute wait. They will shortly begin generating a consensus you can see at http://<ip>:<port>/tor/status-vote/current/consensus

Start adding more nodes.
Configure some Exit and Relay nodes (and optionally Bridges). For each node, you will need to put the DirServer lines. If you're running your nodes in the same /16, you will also need to set EnforceDistinctSubnets 0.

There is one other thing you will need to set for the first few nodes though: AssumeReachable 1. This is because if the consensus has no Exit Nodes, a subtle bug will manifest, and nodes will get in a loop and will not upload their descriptors to the Directory Authorities for inclusion in the consensus. By setting AssumeReachable, we skip the test. (The other option is to set up one of your Directory Authorities as an Exit node.)

Run Depictor.
Depictor is a service that monitors the Directory Authorities and generates a pretty website that will give you a lot of info about your network. (Full disclosure, I wrote depictor, cutting over an older java-based tool called 'Doctor' to python)

At this point, you can add those DirServer lines to some clients and start sending traffic through your network. The only hard thing left is soliciting hundreds to thousands of relay operators to see the value in splitting from the official network to join yours. =)

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